Keynote Address — Aircraft Commerce Virtual Conference and Expo, November 2020

2020 has been an "interesting" year—one which, by all indications, is about to be repeated in 2021 for the airline industry. But it's not all doom and gloom. A lot was going on in 2019 that was soon to test the industry. COVID shifted the focus pretty significantly, but those issues are still there, lurking.

If we all believe that the industry will recover, and according to the latest "expert" estimates that's somewhere between the end of Q1 2021 and 2024, by the time the long haul international operations have normalised, the lurking issues will return. We've still got a window of opportunity to get some important things done, but we need to be considering while things are quiet—albeit for the wrong reasons.

Because of COVID-19, most of the industry's conference calendar was cancelled, the later ones becoming virtual events. Closed Loop accepted Aircraft Commerce and Aircraft IT Magazine's invitation to provide a Keynote to its new conference platform. In the keynote, we draw a bow between Plato's Allegory of the Cave and how airlines seem to "do" change. We also look at the recursive way everyone is doing the same thing, reinventing the same wheels, getting the same outcomes but somehow thinking they're unique. Lastly, we introduce our Strategic Maturity Matrix, which will be a feature of our upcoming "The New Usual" Video series.

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