Webinar Recording: Business Process and Digitization – Crucial Enablers in a Post COVID Industry

For those who may have missed it and would have liked to attend, the link to the recording of the Webinar is here. Unfortunately, the sound at the outset is not as good as we'd have liked, but it improves before we get into the subject matter.

If you've got any questions about it, or, would like to explore any of the concepts further, please drop us a note.


Closed Loop is pleased to have been invited to the panel of the latest IATA Webinar. We'll be discussing thoughts about the opportunity the industry has to reinvent itself without resorting to huge expenditures that no one can afford right now. Here are the details from IATA and the registration link is at the bottom of the page.

For the industry to emerge successfully from the COVID-19 pandemic, doing things the same old way won't do. While attention to the balance sheet by CEOs is expected, a once in a generation opportunity to redesign the entire journey ecosystem cannot be in ignored. Now is the time to evolve strategies, objectives and plans to reshape airlines, build system efficiencies and develop readiness for a future that will be very different but also eerily familiar.

As the industry emerges from COVID-19,  business process and digitization will be critical enablers of efficiency, improved margins and banking future resilience.

Moderated by John Synnott (Manager, Flight Operations Information Technology - IATA)


  • Capt. Michael A. Bryan (Managing Director - Closed Loop)
  • Marcus Carr (Director of Projects - Closed Loop)

Open to the public.

Target audience: airline CFOs, COOs, Chief Pilots, Heads of Fleet, Heads of Flight Technical, Heads of Ops Control and Dispatch, Aircraft Maintenance Engineering, EFB Administrators, Airport Managers, Airport Management, and if they want to have a look, CEOs.

Business owner: John Synnott

Registration link: https://attendee.gotowebinar.com/register/3228197333795789581